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You can define a subcommand on a command using its subcommands field. And yes, subcommands can have subcommands, and those subcommands can have subcommands too. There is no limit on how far you can go.

Usage = {
description: "Ping pong!",
handler: () => "Pong!",
subcommands: {
pong: { // this is any normal command, which can have its own subcommands and aliases and such
description: "Ping pong peng!",
handler: () => "Peng!"


Here's an example taken from TestBot.

client.commands.subCommandTest =  {
description: "hey look at that I can have a description now!",
handler : () => "nothing?",
subcommands: {
sub1 : { handler: () => "first subcommand" },
sub2 : { handler: () => "another subcommand" },
subCommand: {
description: "This is a subcommand.",
handler : () => "Not implemented.",
subcommands: {
subSubcommand: {
description: "This is a subcommand of a subcommand.",
handler : () => "This is a subcommand of a subcommand.",
stuff2: {
description: "I wonder what this one does.",
handler : () => {
throw new Error("Hey, when did this command start throwing errors?");
subcommands: {
sub: { handler: () => "yes subcommand" },